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学名:Limnophora yunnanensis
♂Body length 4.2 mm.Head:Eyes bare;frons about as wide as the distance between outer margin of posteriorocelli, frontal vitta black, about2.5 times aswide asfronto-orbital plate, frontal setae about 5, proclinate orbital setae 3 (2) , frontoorbital plate, parafacilia with gray pollen, parafacilia narrow, about 1 3 width of antennal flagellomere;antennae black, flagellomere about 2.5times as long as broad, arista pubescent, the long-est hairs shorter than the diameter of aristal base;frontal angle projecting forward in front of vibrissal angle in profile, lowerfacialmargin notprotruding, genae with gray pollen, about 1 7 of eye height, upper part of paracephalon with hairs;proboscis black, prementum polished, about 3.5 times as long asheight, palpi black, aboutequal to prementum in length.Thorax:Ground colorblack, mesonotummostlywith brown pollen, only postpronotal lobes, notopleura, the anterior two sides of transverse suture and the area in front of scutoscutellar suture with grayish yellow pollen, without distinct stripe, scutellummostly brown and with thinly gray pollen on lateral lower margin of apical part, presutural acr hairs-like in regular 4 rows, dc 2+3, ia 0+2, h 2, ph 1+0, andwith 1 hair-like pra, notopleura without hair, pleura with gray pollen, anepimeron, meron and katepimeron bare, upper anterior anepisternal bristle 1, katepisternal bristles 1∶2.Wings brownish, veins brown, basicosta black brown, costal spine small, veins R4+5andMnearly parallel on apical part, R4+5veins with setulae rowsonboth surfaces, the dorsal rowexceeds crossvein r-m, its length about 1 2 the distance from node of Rs to tip of vein R4+5, the ventral rowonly extending 1 2 distance from node of Rs to crossvein-rm;calypters brownish, halteres yellow.Legs wholly black, fore tibia without median p;mid femurwith a rowof a setulae, 2 apical pd, mid tibia with 1 super-median p;hind femur with 3-4 av on apical 1 3, without pv, hind tibiawith1 submedian av, 1 median ad;the tarsi each longer than tibiae, claws and pulvilli short and small. Abdomen:Ground color black, cone-shaped, with heavy gray pollen, 1+2 syntergite with a pair of obscure black spots on posterior area, 3rd and4th tergites each with a pair of sub-triangular brownish black spots, both not reaching to anterior margin, 5th tergitewith a brownish triangularmedian spot;1st sternite bare. ♀Unknown.